New Season!, News, Initiation Program, 2020-2021 (Niagara Falls Minor Hockey)

This League is part of the 2020-2021 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 07, 2020 | Erin Tsilibanis | 516 views
New Season!
Hello, everyone.   
My name is Brandon Boone and I am the Convenor of the initiation program, entering my 7th season in that role.  I would like to welcome our new and returning registrants.  It has been an interesting 7 months, to say the least, but I am excited to see the kids’ smiling faces back on the ice and in the rink.   

We will be starting on Saturday, October 17!   

Some updates:

  • IP hours this season are tentatively:

Saturday: 8-9, 9-10, 10-11 & 11-12

Sunday: 8-9, 9-10, 8:15-9:15 & 9:15-10:15


All of the hours will be at the Gale Centre.  Most will be in rink 4, but the 8:15-9:15 and 9:15-10:15

Sunday hours will be across the hall in rink 2.  Use the rear entrance to the Gale Centre for both



  • As always, with a few exceptions (e.g. Christmas), all teams will skate for one hour on Saturdays and one hour on Sundays.  I will rotate them between the early and the later hours, and circulate monthly calendars as soon as possible. 


  • As always, players will be assigned to teams based on their skill level, not age, friends, siblings, size or any other factor.  We do not want any child to be discouraged, embarrassed or held back by the skill level of his or her teammates.


  • In past seasons, we would do skill evaluations during the first weekend.  This season, because many players have been staying close to home since March, we will give them a week or two of practices before evaluations.  So, I will assign them to teams temporarily for the first two weeks or so, then we will have evaluations and assign them to teams for the remainder of the season. 


  • Practices will be stations-based and focused on skill development, with two teams sharing the ice, one on each half.  Skating, puck control, passing and shooting, with the odd bit of angling and stick checking taught to the more advanced teams.  Coaches will get a full set of Hockey Canada lesson plans from me before the season starts


  • For the first two weeks or so, players must wear their own hockey jerseys and socks.  Last year’s jerseys and socks are fine, for returning players.  After evaluations, when players have been assigned to teams for the remainder of the season, we will distribute matching jerseys and socks.


  • In addition to jerseys and socks, all players must wear a full set of hockey equipment, including:

o    Jock or jill

o    Shin pads

o    Hockey pants

o    Shoulder pads

o    Elbow pads

o    Neck guard

o    Gloves

o    CSA approved helmet

o    Mouth guard

o    Hockey stick

o    Hockey skates



  • There are safety protocols in effect at the Gale Centre.  I will try to keep you informed, as and when they change, but they currently include:

o    Arrive at the arena no earlier than 15 minutes prior to your scheduled start time.

o    Players should arrive fully dressed, with the exception of helmets, skates and gloves.

o    All persons must be masked, except for coaches and players while they are on the ice.

o    Reduced capacities in the dressing rooms, with designated seating.

o    One parent/guardian per player.

o    Parents must watch from inside the arena, not in the lobby.


  • We will have safety protocols in effect on the ice, as well.  I will discuss them with the coaches next week.  Among other things, social distancing will be expected, at all times.  The effect of this is:

o    Coaches will not be permitted to physically help players on, off or up from the ice.  If your child cannot skate forwards independently and/or get up after falling down, or is prone to tantrums, please let me know.

o    The association will not be supplying skate aids, balls or any other items that may need to be sanitized afterwards.

o    Players must bring their own water bottle, labelled with their name, and it must be placed on and removed from the players’ bench by the player or his or her parent.

o   Parents will not be permitted to sit or stand on the players’ benches or in the penalty box



  • If you are interested in coaching or providing on-ice assistance, please let me know.  I will ask you to start working on the following:


o    Take the following online Hockey University courses:

Online Coach 1 (good for life, once taken)

HU - Planning a Safe Return to Hockey (new this season)

Respect in Sport - Activity Leader course (good for life, once taken).  Note that this is not the same as the Respect in Sport for Hockey Canada Parents course

Gender Identity and Expression course (good for life, once taken)

For the courses above: Click HERE for Hockey University


o    Review the Rowan’s Law concussion awareness resources for 10 and under, sign the acknowledgement form and submit it to the NFMHA office (must be done every season). Click HERE for Rowans Law


o    Get a Police Vulnerable Sector Check, which is good for 3 years, and submit it to the NFMHA office.  Click HERE for Police Record Check


o    We also need trainers, for those who would like to volunteer, but not necessarily on the ice.  All of the above apply, except that, instead of the online Coach 1, you have to take the online HTCP Level 1.  Click HERE for Trainers Certification


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